Hero: (3)
1x Beregond (Heirs of Numenor)
1x Legolas (Core Set)
1x Balin (On the Doorstep)
Ally: (20)
3x Defender of Rammas (Heirs of Numenor)
2x Gandalf (Core Set)
1x Radagast (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
1x Beorn (Core Set)
3x Vassal of the Windlord (The Dead Marshes)
1x Gwaihir (Trouble in Tharbad)
1x Landroval (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
3x Winged Guardian (The Hunt for Gollum)
3x Eagles of the Misty Mountains (Return to Mirkwood)
2x Descendant of Thorondor (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
Attachment: (18)
1x Spear of the Citadel (Heirs of Numenor)
3x The Day’s Rising (The Antlered Crown)
2x Song of Battle (The Dead Marshes)
1x Horn of Gondor (Core Set)
1x Great Yew Bow (On the Doorstep)
3x Support of the Eagles (Return to Mirkwood)
1x Celebrian's Stone (Core Set)
1x Rivendell Blade (Road to Rivendell)
3x Secret Vigil (The Lost Realm)
1x Black Arrow (On the Doorstep)
1x Gondorian Shield (The Steward's Fear)
Event: (11)
2x Feint (Core Set)
3x Campfire Tales (The Hunt for Gollum)
1x Quick Strike (Core Set)
3x The Eagles Are Coming! (The Hunt for Gollum)
2x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
Side Quest: (1)
1x Gather Information (The Lost Realm)
Total Cards: (50)
Deck Created with CardGameDB.com The Lord of the Rings Deckbuilder